OC Pepper Spray Course
This 3 hour training program provides the candidate with proper use of OC Pepper Spray and tactical techniques. A Pepper Spray Competency Certification Card is provided upon successful completion of the program.
You will learn how to properly and safely use OC pepper spray, proper techniques, as well as the Use of Force Model and legal considerations when using any form of OC spray or chemical agents.
Course Description:
This 3 hour online video training program provides the candidate with an internationally recognized certification of completion.
The online course can be completed from your home computer, laptop or smart phone. This program can be completed on your own time and pace.
The program and certification is currently recognized and is in use by major corporations, government institutions and private security agencies in Canada, USA, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East.

Program Overview
- What is OC
- OC concentration levels
- Legal consideration
- Difference between CS, CN, and OC
- Spray limitations
- Spray patterns
- Effects on the eyes and respiratory system
- Proper grip and carrying positions
- Proper stance & drawing techniques
- Spraying techniques and deployment
- Tactical movement
- Disengagement & defensive techniques
- Defensive position
- Proper decontamination
- Storage and disposal
Duration: 3 Hours (25 videos)

What are the benefits ?
- Increased employment opportunities
- Qualify for higher pay wages and salary
- Due diligence and court requirements
- Increased personal qualifications
- Self protection and education
- Increased specialized security training
Who should take this course ?
- Security Guards
- Bouncers
- Loss Prevention Officers
- VIP Personal Security
- Private Investigators
- Bylaw Officers
- Enforcement Officers
- Police Foundation Students
The GCTactical training programs and certifications are recognized and in use by major corporations and private agencies in Canada, USA, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. GCTactical represents the highest level in Personal Protection, Law Enforcement Equipment and the development of Private Security & Safety Training Programs.