OC Pepper Spray Training

OC Pepper Spray Training
Participants of the GCTactical OC & Chemical Agents (OCCA) training will learn the techniques, methods and procedures of safe and proper use of OC Spray and Chemical Agents.
Internationally Recognized Certification
This training is essential for all professionals such as security guards, bylaw officers, bodyguards, private investigators, and those involved in law enforcement.
Physical altercations may increase to a level of force requiring officers to implement the use of a less lethal use of force option. OC Pepper Spray is commonly used to incapacitate a violent and hostile opponent.
- Front Line Workers
- Security Guards
- Loss Prevention Officers
- Bylaw Officers
- Private Investigators
- Security Professionals
Upon completion of the GCTactical OC & Chemical Agents (OCCA) training program, you will receive a digital copy of your certificate by e-mail, as well as a physical copy and wallet plastic ID card.
The OC & Chemical Agents (OCCA) Certification is valid for a period of 3 years.
What you will you learn:
You will learn how to properly and safely use OC pepper spray, proper techniques, as well as the Use of Force Model and legal considerations when using any form of OC spray or chemical agents.
Course Description:
This 2 hour online training program provides the candidate with an internationally recognized certification of completion.
The online course can be completed from your home computer, laptop or smart phone. This program can be completed on your own time and pace.
OC Pepper Spray Training
Upon completion of the training program, you will receive the following:
- Physical Wall Certificate of Completion
- Digital Certificate
- Plastic ID card
The OC & Chemical Agents (OCCA) certification is valid for a period of 3 years.
Get Certified Today.